Monday, August 21, 2006

Ty's First Day of School

So, here he is, my cutest five (almost six) year old, off to Kindergarten. He was so excited this morning, he was bursting at the seams. We took lots of pictures and then we got to his class room. He looked at me and with no hesitation said, "Bye Mom." I told him he needed to wait because I was going in with him and I needed to take some pictures. So, in we went to Mrs. Sagouspe's room, he hung up his backpack and was done with me. I'm really worried about him, I think he is a little shy - yeah right.

Boy is this kids handsome or what?

He of course had to have me take a picture of his Darth Vader backpack.

This is Ty and his buddy Drew. They were in the same preschool class last year and by some lucky coincidence they got in the same kindergarten class. Ty was most excited!

All in all it was a great day, I didn't even cry. Yep, that is right I didn't even cry - Ty was so excited it was hard to be sad. Although, when he came home I wished he could be gone all day because he was instantly bored. Such is life! Posted by Picasa


Julie said...

What a big boy! I'm proud of him for being so brave. 2 more sleeps for Jack! I think I'll be sad...first grade is sad.

Marilee said...

Yeah Ty Ty!! I am sooo excited for him to be in kindergarden!! Wow is he ever grown up!! We love you!!

Julie said...

Heather, does that mean you know Emily Salway too? She used to baby sit Jenn and I was her YW Laurel advisor! Weird huh?

Nicole said...

Marin can hardly wait either! She is so excited!! Yeah for kindergarten.

Also a question- how do I re-link everybody on millersixpack? I followed the instructions they gave and nothing happend.

Kendra said...

Okay Heather, I have been checking this out this morning and it is really fun! I might help J.D. with all this. We will see. I also have to say you are a nice mom for getting Tyler the Star Wars backpack. I am mean mom because I won't get those kind of things.