Friday, September 08, 2006

The BIG Party!

Tyler's Birthday Party was a big success! He had 5 friends come for a PJ and Pizza party. They came ate some pizza, had a few pillow fights, chased each other around the house, screamed and yelled, watched "SharkBoy and LavaGirl," ate cake and ice cream and just had fun! It was a great time and I AM SO GLAD IT IS OVER! I must say I am not the mom who loves to have the birthday parties. They kind of stress me out, but as far as that goes this one was really chill. The best part of the party was after presents. One of his buddies gave him a "Tommy Nitro" karate/kick boxing video and punching bag thing. It was sooo funny. We had the boys line up and take turns. I got some great pictures of it. My favorite picture is actually of Brooks, but it wouldn't let me post it, so I will have to post it later. All in all, the party was a hit.

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Julie said...

that thing is so funny. Jackson would LOVE something like that. I'll have to look into it for him! I'm glad you had fun and that Ty had a good Happy Birthday party with his friends!

Marilee said...

I need to get one of those for my kids! THey'd LOVE it!! Happy birthday to Tyler on Monday!! We Love you Ty Ty!! And his present is on its soon as I take it to the post office!

Kendra said...

You are so on the ball. You must have closed the door behind us last night and sat down at the computer. What an awesome party!!!

Nicole said...

We have people around here who spend HUNDREDS of dollars on parties and feed all the families not just the kids- it becomes quite the big deal. My parties are always the old fashioned type- games, cake, pinata, etc. I've come to realize that most kids (atleast little kids) don't care what you do they just want to be with thier friends and have everyone make them feel special. That party sounds fun! What a cute gift!