Wednesday, January 19, 2011

My Tater is Five......

Dear Tater,

Oh my goodness, will you please stop growing so fast.?  I cannot believe you are five, but how grateful I am that you are.  Despite being a little tiny mite who came into this world much earlier than I would have liked, you have grown into such a tall kid.  I love your silly smile and your chicken little glasses.  I love that since you were just little you have always loved to sing and I'm pretty sure you still sing yourself to sleep.  I love that you always give me snuggles, but I have to admit I miss having 'eye-dash' kisses like you used to give me, (I think I'll blame it on the glasses).  I love how much you adore your brothers and sister and I'm pretty sure they love it too.  You are so determined that sometimes it drives me crazy, but I know that it will come in super handy for you someday.  Your sense of humor makes me laugh and I love that you will forever be my little blond boy!  Happy Birthday!  Thanks for being as cute as you are -




Nicole said...

So cute! And still lame me- no phone call! :)

Marilee said...

Oh I love that boy! Mickey Mouse hat and all!!!! My favorite thing is watching him eat tacos!