Thursday, January 06, 2011

Noah's Words

I must document a few of Noah's words.  All of a sudden he is really trying to talk.  While I was definitely 'Bob' for a few weeks, I am now back to 'Mama'.  Here is a list of some of the other things he says or tries to say.

Light (this one sort of sounds like dat)
Gilk (Milk)
Boo (this is what a cow says - don't you know that)
He is starting to roar for what a lion says
Ah Gone
Ah done
Bah (Ball)
Uh Oh
He says please in sign language
He says eat in sign language
Ah Guck - for garbage or something yucky
He also rolls his arms - which I love
One of my other favorites is when he folds his arms for the prayer. 
He also LOVES to put things in the trash can.  Sadly, I have caught him throwing much more than just the trash away. 

This little man is such a Turkey, but I Love Him so much.  Even when he is a cranky pants he can put a smile on my face!  He has a grin that we like to refer to as the 'Tommy Boy' grin.  He puts his chin down and he gets a double chin and gives this big old cheeser of a grin.  It reminds us of when Tommy Boy says, "Tommy hungry, Tommy want wingy"  If you know what I am talking about.

Noah also is a big tease and already he purposly does things that he is pretty sure he shouldn't.  The best part is he'll do it while looking right at you while you say NO and he'll grin at you as sweetly as possible.  We are so in trouble with this little man! 


Nicole said...

I've never thought of you as a "Bob"!

Marilee said...

He says a TON! I don't think Avery is even close to that many words. And hers all sound the same! Can't wait to see him in a few weeks!