Monday, November 08, 2010

Fourteen Months!

Noah is getting so BIG!  I love watching his little personality develop, he always brings a smile to my face with his cute grin and his Attitude and boy does he have a little attitude.  Here is a run down of him:
  • He LOVES outside and is often banging on the back door so that we will open it so he can go wander. He can even sort of say 'Ouside'
  • He EATS tons!  This kid is always hungry and is also always happy with some food to munch on
  • He is starting to play with the kids and thinks they are funny
  • He doesn't say very many things - OK he really doesn't say anything at all
  • When I ask him if he would like something he will go 'ah' kind of like 'yay' if the answer is yes and bounce
  • He LOVES his little tiny 'snuggly' or blanket and walks around with it much of the day
  • He follows instructions better than my 10 year old - haha, not really but he understands and follows simple instructions
  • He gets excited when it is time to go bye-bye
  • He keeps us laughing and smiling.
  • Thankfully he is not climbing yet, but he is trying to! Yikes
  • I had to put locks on all the cupboards because he is THE DESTROYER and gets into EVERYTHING!  
  • He will snuggle me sometimes - which I love.
  • It is nearly impossible to get him to hold still long enough for a picture!
Noah is so sweet and cute and brings so many smiles and laughs into our home!  How super blessed we are to have him!

1 comment:

Nicole said...

Holy cow multiple posts in such a short time! I love the costumes- esp.Noah's hair! Like your hair too. Are you guys coming for Thanksgiving or Christmas? When will we see you next?