Tuesday, April 07, 2009

How Much Is Forgotten!

Not just because I have pregnant brain, but because I feel like I have never experienced this before - being pregnant that is. Each pregnancy has been so different and this one is following suit. The exhaustion is sometimes more than I can stand. I can fall asleep instantly during the day but at night I toss and turn and have some of the craziest dreams ever! While pregnancy and I don't mesh too well, I am not going to complain about being prego. At least I will try really hard not to. I may complain that I feel crappy (that is a given right), or that my back hurts or maybe, ok probably, even that I am huge, but in all honestly I am so very grateful that I am pregnant. What an enormous blessing it is to be able to have kids. All three of mine are amazing and I feel very blessed to be a Mom! I think the Lord in his wisdom dilutes our memories or else why would we do this more than once. All I know is that I am off on this journey again and boy does September feel like a long way off. Especially considering that sometime during the beginning of August my Dr. has already directed me that I need to "Take it Easy." What specifically that means I don't know, but when he started the conversation by asking, "Where is your family?" I didn't take that as good. I think it means I may have to rely on my fantastic friends for help. It also means there will be no putting off being prepared. Not only prepared for a baby, but for school to start, with food that is easily thrown in to cook and with the knowledge that by darn this baby is staying in to the end.

I don't have the date for my ultrasound yet, but it will be sometime near the beginning of May. Cast your vote on the side bar!!!


Proud Momma said...

Congrats Heath! Good luck through the beginning rough period as I like to call it. Now I'm in my nesting period and want to get everything done NOW!

Amy said...

I will come help you!!! And I think you need another girl!!

angie j. said...

congrats on the baby! hang in there...