Monday, March 30, 2009

10 years and Counting.

Well, we made it. Not that it was really difficult, but still we made it. Made it to what you are asking - 10 years baby. That is right Steve and I have been married for 10 years. It is amazing to me how incredibly fast it seems to have flown by, but at the same time how it seems it has always been this way. Here are 10 things we have experienced over our 10 years.

1. We have moved 7 times. Most in the first 3 years of marriage.

2. We have had three kids and have 1 more on the way (surprise all, I am 14 weeks)

3. We have finished school

4. Steve has had 3 or 4 different jobs

5. I have had 3 different jobs, but I would say I enjoy the one I have right now the most

6. We have made some incredible friends in our moves and will forever be grateful that they can step in when family is too far away.

7. We have experienced stitches, chopping off the end of a thumb, knee surgery, kidney stones, sprained ankles, black eyes and many other exciting moments and have come out happy and healthy on the other end. We also count our blessings that we are all healthy and happy

8. We have purchased two different homes

9. We have made countless memories and most of all have enjoyed being together (Well at least most of the time, HaHa)

10. We have been so blessed by the Lord in these first 10 years and are so grateful for all of those blessings.

Thanks for 10 fantastic and crazy years Steve. LOVE YOU!!!


Marilee said...

Happy Anniversary you two love birds!

Kacey said...

Happy Anniversary!! Has it really been 10 years already? You are such a great couple together. I hope you had fun on your LV trip.

And Congratulations on #4!!!!! Was not expecting that announcement at all! How have you been feeling?

Amy said...

Ahhhhhhh! I was looking for #2!!! YEAH!! I'm so excited for you!! How are you feeling? LOVES!

McKenna said...

Happy Anni. And HAPPY BABY!! Nice way to sneak that one in. Congratulations!!

Tirsa said...

Woohoo. Happy Anniversary and congrats on the new little one to come. I just saw on your FB something about nauesousness and I thought I better check it out! Yay!

Julie said...

Congratulations! On both the 10 years and the new baby! I am sure you are as cute pregnant as your cute sister is. I have enjoyed getting to know her better!

JulieB said...

Congrats!!! Glad you're public again too, makes it easier to read! :)