Thursday, September 04, 2008

Mommy Stuff

You know how some weeks are just a little off and you aren't really sure why. That has been my week. I may even say that I win the Crankiest Mommy of the week award. I think it all started on Saturday when I talked to my wonderful Sister-In-Law Kari. She was at Steve's parents with half the family and that just made me sad. I just wish I could see more of everyone. I feel like I am missing out on all the kids growing up and they are missing my kids growing up too! I haven't quite been able to shake it this week. I guess in my perfect world I would live next door or down the street from my sister's. As I am sure that is not likely to happen anytime soon (darn) I will just deal and get on with life.

On a brighter note, I am proud to announce that Joshua is a BIG BOY and diapers are no longer on my Target list! Yippy. On a sad note, my Tater isn't a baby anymore :(. After the experience I had potty training the other two, I was nervous and skeptical of how this would go, but for whatever reason Josh just got it and this Mommy is so happy and completely grateful about the whole thing! Go JOSH!

Josh also has a new favorite movie and begs Steve or me to watch it all day long. 'Nacho Libre' He calls it 'Acho' and thinks it is super funny. He even does movie quotes and will say to us, "Yook Ayive" (Look Alive). It is pretty funny. He also was talking about the Buzz ride at Disneyland the other day and when asked if he liked it he responded, 'No, it fweak me out' Where does he get all this stuff. With all that cute stuff comes the I am 2 stuff as well. He is so sassy and stubborn and really pushes me to my limits. Now mind you some of it is my fault, I will totally own that I am not as consistent with the discipline as I could be, but boy the 'yeave me ayone' and 'no talk a me' stuff is getting old. I guess it all goes with the territory and I need to enjoy it because he is growing way too fast!

Brooklynn is loving school and so cute. I just love her and I wish I had her spunk! I'm excited to see how her year at school continues. Stayed tuned for some soccer updates as it gets into full swing here in the next few weeks.

Tyler turns 8 next week! Yikes - how do I have an eight year old. I miss my cute little baby TyTy, but I am so proud of the great kid he is. He is so helpful and getting so grow'd up. Also stay tuned for his flag football and birthday posts!

Even though I was (notice the past tense) a cranky mommy for a few days, I sure do feel blessed to have three beautiful, loving, healthy, fun, cute and totally amazing kids. Let's face it at the end of the day when you hear the 'I love you's' you realize that even though it seemed like it, things really aren't all that bad and tomorrow starts another fresh day! Yeah for being a MOM.


Julie said...

I love Josh's little sassy 'tude. It makes me laugh, even though it frustrates you! Hahahaha. Anyways, yeah for being a mommy! You're a good one, I promise, AND I miss you too!

Nicole said...

Yeah for being a mommy! Even a cranky loving one is better than none at all! :) How is it you have an 8 year old?!!!!

Kendra said...

I hear ya! Hang in there!

Leslierush said...

how did you potty train him?! Its taking us sooo long to potty train aiden. is it cus he is the first one and i don't know what i'm doing? and i know how you feel about wanting to live down the street from your sisters. i TOTALLY miss my sisters! it makes me sad too.

Blaine and Tirsa said...

We all have our seriously cranky days and weeks as Moms. But, the best is when they are sleeping and they are so sweet and all you can think of is how much you love and cherish them.

Kacey said...

Ya know what...last week was a VERY off week for us(me) too! Congrats to crossing off diapers on your list. How nice would that be! And I can't believe you have an 8 year old either!!

Kikibug said...

Love this post, it is SO REAL! (which is what I LOVE about you). Sometimes I wonder "what in the H$%^ were we thinking getting pregnant, the kids we have are driving me nuts" and then at the end of the day I wouldn't have it any other way.

I feel the same way, how are these kids growing up so fast. Judson's and Ty being baptized... wow. Funny thing is just today Carma brought me a picture (I am worried b/c I don't know where she got it, so I hope I don't find all my pictures messed up). But it was at Tylers 3rd bday party. So cute, they were so tiny and young. OK, Ty's never been tiny, but they were so young.

I am realizing I should have emailed you instead of posting this nover... but too late.

Lindsay said...

I'm totally with you on the crankiest mom award! I could probably give you a good run for your money on that one! Things have been kind of off here too. Maybe my crankiness can be attributed to my baby waking up at 5:00am this morning only to be a complete crankface until her naptime. Hmm, maybe she should have slept longer!