Monday, April 07, 2008

Have you ever had?

Julie told me I needed to post about this because it is one of those random funny things that is totally out of your control.

Have you ever had one of those little zits, pimples, blemishes, whatever you choose to call it, on your eyelid, right under your eyebrow? Everyonce in a while I get them too. Well, on Saturday I felt a little one brewing and before I went to bed gave it a little sqeeze (because I can't resist, I know sick) and it popped. No biggie right. I thought great tomorrow it will be all gone. Boy let me tell you was I ever wrong. I woke up Sunday morning and it was still there and my eyelid was swollen. So after some Ibuprofen and some ice, yesterday I am happy to say it is still swollen, I can only open my eye about half way. I have never had a zit go so crazy on me and as Steve put it when he woke up yesterday morning, "You look like you got punched in the eye!" Well, that is true, minus any bruising. It is most ridiculous and I feel silly going anywhere. I took a picture and really is doesn't do it justice, but this is for you Julie!


Kacey said...

LOL. This post is exactly why I love you so much!

Lindsay said...

That is freakin' awesome! Well, not really for you, but it is kinda funny. I hate those zits that are in the most painful places, like right next to your lip or your eyebrow. I can't believe it swelled like that, crazy!

Julie said...

That is hilarious! I'm glad you were brave enough to post it. I wish I could've seen it yesterday though.

Proud Momma said...

I know what you of the worst places is right above your upper lip! eyebrows hurt too and I have had those! That is funny!

Leslierush said...

ok one time i got a zit right on the edge of my upper lip but it was one of those inner ones and it made my whole upper lip swell! at first i felt like angelina jolie but then it started to look like i got punched in the mouth. that is so funny...aren't zits just so annoying and pointless!!

Jeni said...

but really how did you pop one on your eye lid?? holy crap, I can never got those! they hurt too bad, I am too weak!

Kendra said...

Love the post! I am laughing out loud!!

emily salway said...

YES!! I just so happen to have one RIGHT NOW! And I'm trying to just put this ointment on it to let it go on its own, but it takes FOREVER! (Is that what you were looking at the other day when we were at Misty's???!!!!)