Wednesday, November 01, 2006


We went to our Ward party on Friday and had a great time with the kids. Tyler won one of the costume awards for his age group, I think it is because he is just so dang handsome! While Brooklynn clung to my side the whole time Tyler played games and had fun! When it came time for the Trunk-or-treat, I took Ty and Brooks and Joshy headed to the car with Daddy to pass out candy. When we returned to the car, this is what we discovered!!!

Daddy is so rotten!


Julie said...

I don't think I've ever seen a kid so happy about a cute is that! He was sucking it like a soo-soo. I love him. Of course you need to give him smooches from his favorite Aunt Julie.

Andrew M. Wayment said...

You are in trouble now - he's already an addict. The costumes are adorable and your videos are always the best. Robin Hood is handsome! We are trying to download our halloween pics but the blogger uploader has been busy for a while. Keep watching.

Nicole said...

What a mess I bet that was! How cute- I think you have a sucker addict on your hands.

J. D. said...

That is great. At least I am not the only one who gets in trouble for giving kids things that I shouldn't. It is interesting seeing the different areas in the world. We went trick or treating in snow and 18 degree weather and you guys looked like you could be in shorts and a tee shirt. Take care.