Monday, November 13, 2006

Attack of the Killer Mouse!

Alrighty, so almost a year ago, Steve and I found some "Mouse Tracks" in our pantry. Steve went on the hunt, but as it was late on a Saturday night he could not go buy any traps. The weekend went by with no evidence of a mouse and so on Monday when Steve went up North for work I wasn't thinking much about it. That is until I was walking into the kitchen on Tuesday Night and before I had a chance to flip on the light I saw the little thing scurry from the pantry around the island and under the oven. I, of course, lost my mind (I was pregnant too) and called Steve, he called none other that JD (as in JD and Kendra who always come to our rescue) and he came over and set some traps. About a half hour later I heard some very loud squeaking noises and I knew that little thing had planted itself on a sticky trap. So, I immediately called JD to come and retrieve it. He did and disposed of it. We have had no signs of mice since.

Well, until Saturday. I found some more "mouse tracks" in the pantry. So, when Steve called on his way home from a meeting for church I told him buy some traps. We cleaned out the pantry set up the traps and thought for certain that we would catch it that night. Well, no luck.

This morning I woke up a little late and went into the kitchen to get the kids breakfast. Steve was up way early for a long day of work and of course was gone. I opened the pantry door and guess who scared me to death, that stupid mouse. I scared him too, so he was running as fast as possible for cover. The problem is I didn't see where he went because I hadn't turned on the lights in the kitchen. I'm not sure who I called first, but I couldn't get Steve on the phone and left him a message, then I called JD and Kendra, of course, and then I called my mom so I could be on the phone with someone while I ventured back into the kitchen to get the kids some food so Ty wouldn't be late for school.

So now I am just waiting. Waiting for the sound of a trap snapping or for the mouse to be stuck on a sticky trap. It is torture. I can't go in the kitchen without worrying about whether or not we will cross paths. EEEEWWWWWWWWWWWWW I hate mice!!! Oh well, life goes on!



Anonymous said...

HEATHER!!!!!!!!! I could barely bring myself to read this blog as mice are the absolute grossest creatures on the face of this planet...I have no idea why God created them! I would have left the house if I saw the mouse or I'm sure I would have gone into cardiac arrest! Good luck!

Marilee said...

Heather, I feel your pain! At least you've seen the thing and are certain it is a mouse and NOT a RAT!!!! EWWWWWWW!! I think given the choice I'd take a mouse over a rat any day! Can't wait to hear ther rest of the story! Good luck!

Julie said...

I hate mice. YUCK! Hope you catch the little bugger!

Lindsay said...

That's so gross! Mice are so little, but still very scary! I'm glad it's not a snake!