Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Tater Time!

It has been awhile since I have posted a Taterism, if you will.  Sometimes there are just so many great things he says that I can't remember them all. I try to write the best ones down, so here is my favorite one of the day.

I was just getting out of the shower when I heard a knock on the door.  In my mind I was thinking, 'Oh great, what will he need right now!'  He always NEEDS something when I am trying to get ready.  After the knock our conversation went like this.

Tater: 'Mom'
Me: 'Yes buddy'
Tater:  'Don't forget to scrub your armpits really good!'
Me: 'Ok, Thanks!'

Where does he come up with this stuff.  I'm not sure I will ever scrub my armpits again without thinking of this!


Amy said...

LOL!! that's too cute!!!

Proud Momma said...

that is SO cute

Lindsay said...

Maybe he caught a whiff of your pits so he thought he'd give you a friendly reminder! Ha ha!

justjen said...

Cuter than cute! Love the crazy things kids say!

Nicole said...


Marilee said...

Was he trying to give you a hint or something! Hahaha! He is so funny! I love me a good Taterism!