Thursday, July 09, 2009

Updates coming.....

As usual after a great vacation I am suffering from PVB - you know the post vacation blues. To make it worse I still have not caught up on my sleep and am exhausted.

I am going to update, but after an unknown person got ahold of my camera at my sister's house and deleted all and I do mean all, as in every last one of my pictures from our vacation, I am trying to collect shots taken by the rest of the family. I was most disappointed with the loss of all the pictures but especially of a few of the fantastic shots I took. For example the one that Ty took of me by the pool in Vegas, the ones of Josh and Jake being crazy, Steve playing with Maggie. The one of Brooklynn with Grandpa Nelson it couldn't have been more adorable. The pictures of all of us outside the new Temple in Utah, all the pictures at Stadium of fire and the list goes on.

After a few hours of anger and a few tears, I came to the conclusion that the memories are what is really important and besides everyone else took some pictures too, so I'll just have to get all the copies!

With that, I will update in the next few days!


Kendra said...

Too Sad!! I hope you can round up a some picts from others! Miss you!

Amy said...

That stinks..I'm sorry!!

Marilee said...

Oh, I'm sooooo sad about your lost pics! I wish I was there to take pics so there would be some back ups. Hopefully Julie and the Empey clan took some good ones that you can get a hold of! Love you!

Kacey said...

Oooh I'm so sorry Heather! That totally sucks and I would've cried too!!

Jen said...

Hey mom did the same thing soon after I had Charlie. She was devastated too. But then she called a photo place called Inkleys. They told her that even though she had erased the pictures, that there was still an "imprint" of them on her photo card. They told her not to take any other pictures on that disk (as each one you take layers over one of the deleted shots), and to bring them her disk. For about 20 or 30 dollars, they were able to do something that recovered all 500 pictures she had erased. So there is hope if you really want the pictures back. Email me if you need more info about it. Good luck! How are you feeling by the way?

Julie said...

Hopefully you can get them restored! love and miss you!

Tirsa said...

That totally stinks about the pictures!

And, I can't believe how prepared you already are for the baby. I'm due way sooner than you and I'm not nearly that prepared. Well, we do already have the crib up because Ez is still in it! We will work on transitioning him out once baby is actually here. She'll get a portacrib in our room the first few months anyway. I so need to wash the clothes and carseat but that is why I need the nesting instinct to kick in!!!
And by the way, we need a preggers pic up of you so I hope you recover one of those!