Thursday, June 05, 2008


I am so very tired! I don't why or when or what happened, but somehow, somewhere Josh decided to be a horrible sleeper. He wakes up too early, he climbs in bed with us at least a few nights a week, he wakes up crying and now the latest, he falls asleep in the hall. I know our trip helped create our current situation, but it was heading down this road anyway. To top it off, he was in bed with me last night with some sort of tummy upset/throw up stuff, that while short lived (I think) caused me to once again get very little sleep.

The other night I was so tired of him kicking me, but he refused to go back to his own bed, so in Janet style, I threw a pillow on the floor and kicked him out of my bed. What is the deal? Any advice to help him get over this would be much appreciated!!!!! I really, really, really, really need to get some sleep!!!


caligirl said...

He and Megs need to get together! She too is sleeping in the hall etc and totally out of any sort of good sleeping habits. Maybe she is just getting me prepared for what lies ahead.............:-)

Kacey said...

You poor thing. I really have no ideas for you...I just wanted you to know I feel for ya! I hate not getting enough sleep. It makes me one cranky momma!

(hey, maybe you could give him a picture of you to sleep with? then you'd always be in sight.)

Julie said...

Just keep putting him on the floor Janet style. They all go through phases and i'm sure he'll get over this one!

Kendra said...

I love the floor thing. I should do this with Asey, when she pulls the "I'm scared" card. Good luck. You gotta sneek in some naps for you!

Amber said...

Hi Heather! Fun blog! I love the new look!. When Halle does this we offer to let her sleep on the floor by our bed with a pillow and blanket. She soon figures out that that her bed is much softer. I guess if he had no problems with the floor though it could be a challenge. Good luck!

Kat said...

Sorry I don't have any helps. Sounds like you definately have your hands full. Just know that eventually they do grow out of it. :)

Nicole said...

My kids aren't allowed in bed at all- floor or nothing! Hopefully he'll at least let you sleep better if he's on the floor. Also, if he is old enough to figure it out- write a time down (ex. 7:) then put it next to his bed with a clock and tell him he can't get out until there is a 7:-I've done it with Marin and Ben before and it helps tons with the way too early morning thing. Good luck!