Friday, June 13, 2008

Problem Solved......Finally

After months of sleeping and napping issues, I think we (I) have solved the problem. On Monday I was finished with having to lay down with Josh for his naptime. So I put him in bed and told him to stay in his bed or his blanket would be mine. He, of course, had a tantrum and followed me right out the door. When I took his blanket he didn't care hmmmmm obviously not the right trigger for him. Back to bed we went and this time I told him if he got out of bed I would close the door. Of course he followed me right out the door, so back to bed he went and I closed and locked his door. He flipped, 'No Door, No Door,' he screamed through the door at me. I let this go on for a couple of minutes and went back in, put him back in bed and told him that he had to stay in bed or I would close the door. Problem solved, he was asleep for his nap in about 10 minutes. For bedtime I told him the same thing and he didn't even try to get out of his bed. I kept thinking this couldn't be so easy. He even slept in his own bed until about 4 am - that is pretty good. Tuesday, I did the same thing and amazingly enough it really did work. No problems going to bed, other than calling, 'Mommy, Mommy, Mommy!' for a few minutes and then falling off to sleep. Is a little fear all it took? Was this issue over the past few months all over with one simple little adjustment. Throughout the week it has proven to be the key. Now on to tackling the issue of sleeping on my floor for half the night. So after much pondering I said to myself, 'Self, I wonder if I leave his door open and the hall light on if he will stay in his bed all night?' Well, I tried it and sure enough, it worked. This self was right. Yeah!!! Problem Solved. If I had know the solution was that easy I sure would have gotten alot more sleep in the last little while and Julie would have had fewer problems at her house too. Oh well, at least we figured it out. Now if only he weren't sick with a fever.......

1 comment:

Marilee said...

Oh dang...too bad you didn't figure that out earlier but I'm glad you (and Joshie) are getting more sleep now! I've been catching up on your blogs and I loved Steve's 100 things. I've been thinkinf of doing it for Adam and you've inspired me too. We need to do one for dad too! LOVE YOU!!