Thursday, January 31, 2008

Life Thru the Eyes of Brooklynn

Minutes ago, Brooks and I were cleaning up her room and making sure all her doll house furniture was put together. Here is a snipit of our conversation.

Brooklynn: 'I don't really play with the boys.' (Meaning the dad and the brother to her dollhouse)

Mom: 'You don't?'

Brooklynn: 'No, but I can speak boy!'

Mom: Really!

Brooklynn: 'Yep, Hello (said in a really deep voice!)'

I of course giggled and she said, 'I can mom, I really can speak boy, I really can!'

Where does she get this stuff from? She is so funny!

Another funny story happened a few days ago - Steve and Tyler were doing something and Steve was getting slightly frustrated with whatever Ty wasn't doing.

Brooklynn, simply because she can't keep her nose out of anyone's business and is always right in the middle asking obnoxious questions and trying to get her 2 cents worth into any and all conversations, says to Steve, 'Calm Daddy, Calm Daddy' and the to me 'Mom, Daddy needs to CALM!' While trying to tell Daddy to be calm, she was inhaling and exhaling very dramatically!

She also informed me the other day she was going to have a daughter when she is a mommy and her name is going to be Asey. And then later that day she told Steve and I that she was going to marry Duncan and that she looooooooooved him. Duncan is our good friends little boy and is super cute and we always tease her about him. So Steve asked her, 'What if Duncan doesn't want to marry you.' For once we heard nothing, silence coming from Brooklynn because she wasn't sure how to respond to that one.

She is a character and makes us smile and just by the way I can't figure out why she always, and I REALLY mean always has to have the last word. Where in the world does she get that from?


Dave, Trista, and Amani said...

She is so freakin' hilarious! I could listen to her forever. We miss you guys! Oh, and by the way, the cakes look awesome-very impressive!

Lindsay said...

That is so funny! What a cute little character.

Julie said...

I love her. She's me!

Amber said...

Great stories, she sounds like a doll, hey, I like the new look!

Nicole said...

That was so funny- I can't believe you stumped her and made her speechless!

McKenna said...

Oh I remember that age; crushes and cleverness. And of course always trying to be the peace-maker.

I love it! Keep it recorded, because some day she will love to hear all this again, too.

Julie said...

Do you think Brooklyn could teach my 20 year old how to speak boy? She just doesn't seem to understand them! Hmmmm.....
Love you blog Heather, can you get Kendra to get back on the blog bandwagon????

Blaine and Tirsa said...

That is too cute. Bella walked in when I got on your blog and saw Brooklynn's pic and she said, "Who is she? She is beautiful!"

Proud Momma said...

In response to your comment, Drew is in Junior Kindergarten and next year will be in Senior Kindergarten...two years of it ever since they got rid of grade 13 here in Ontario so they feel the need to push the school work up a year I guess!

Kikibug said...

I love that kid! That is hilarious! I wish I could see your cute kids again soon. I would have died laughing at "Calm Daddy." breathe.. hahaha Love it!
Judson saw Tylers pictures.. he says hello.
Thanks for the potty training advice. She is no longer interested.. so we will wait and not push... and definitely not freak out!