Friday, August 06, 2010

Summer Vacation Part 1 - Idaho

Because of our determination to make the LONG drive to Canada, we thought it would be great to break the trip up a little.  This Idea turned into the perfect time to stop in Idaho and see Steve's family.  We left in the afternoon and headed North and ended up in Idaho about 3 am.  We stopped to see Kari for a day and then continued on to good old Pocatello.  There we spent about 3 days that were packed full of all the activities Grandma could jam into that time span.  The kids had a great time with their cousins  (of course) and we had fun visiting with all of Steve's brothers and sisters that live in Idaho.  We even were able to see Paul and Kayla and their boys. 

Here is the short list of some of the things we did.
  • ty and the boys sleeping out on the tramp
  • swimming
  • lunch at the park
  • Idaho Falls to visit Dave, Trista and Amani
  • Grandma took the kids Ice Blocking
  • Going to the Movies
  • Bubbles on Grandma's waterslide in the backyard
  • Crafts - there are always lots of Crafts at Grandma's house
  • homemade suckers in Rootbeer, Cinnamon and Butterscotch flavors
I'm sure there are plenty of things I have missed, but all in all it was relaxing and wonderful to see everyone. 

Our Nephew Mike - he is a great kid, it was fun to see him!
This is Chase - Never has a name suited a child more.  All you do is 'Chase' him around. He keeps Kayla and Paul hoppin.

Devin, who really tried to NOT let me take a picture of him.  I will say I didn't get a picture of Austin, I'm not sure where he was?????

Josh and Jake - OF Course - They were really meant to be twins.  Jake left to go home before we headed to Canada.  He came in and give me a hug and asked, 'Can't Josh come home with me?'  He persisted and then wanted to drive us to get Josh's glasses fixed, it was so adorable.  It nearly broke my heart and it made me cry because we live much to far away.

Ty and Eli

Brooks and Hannah

Zoey - she is the cutest tiniest little thing. 

Maggie, Grandma and Noah

One of my most favorite parts of our Idaho visit was Maggie, she wouldn't have anything to do with me for the first couple of days. Then one night I got her to sit on my lap and we sang songs and danced and had so much fun. She is so cute and so funny and I love her.


Melissa said...

You were in Idaho!? So close...I could've come to see you guys. I am so glad you had so much fun!

Marilee said...

Glad you got to see all the Empey family! Worked out perfectly to climb your way to Canada!

Amy said...

Yes very nice to have the be on the way!!! Very cute kids!!