Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Six Months Later!

Can you believe that my baby is already SIX months old.  The time has flown by, but I must say it has been wonderful and I have really been trying to savor the babyness of him because before I know it he will be a big boy.  He is getting ever bigger and for one of our babies quite round. 

Here is what he is up to in month six:
  • he has perfected the reaching for things and getting them to his mouth
  • he found his feet and enjoys pulling off his socks and hanging onto those cute toes
  • he loves his brothers and sister and is constantly attempting to find them and see what they are up to. they also just happen to love him back and have become quite protective of him.
  • he talks and coos and talks and growls and 'A-goo's' and I love it.  our daily conversations are a highlight for me
  • as of yesterday he has mastered rolling from his back to his tummy.  unfortunately he spent yesterday rolling over playing for a minute and then getting very very frustrated that he couldn't get back.  I of course would flip him over calm him down and then we would start the process all over again.  it is funny and cute, but not so funny when he is trying to fall asleep
  • he is really starting to love the exersaucer, still enjoys the swing and even tried out the jolly jumper
  • he is eating all three meals now and loving his food
  • he WILL NOT giggle.  he has given us a few token "Ha's" but won't just let go - yet.  we have seen signs that he will giggle soon and when he does I'm sure it will be worth the wait. 
Of course he is amazing, as all my babies have been.  I am so grateful for him, for his complete trust in me and Steve and for the LOVE that he brings into our home.  I try not to think how in 6 more very fast month he will be trying to walk because it hurts my heart at how fast it is going. 

Oh the toes!

The killer eyes

Pure Cuteness


Amy said...

Gosh, he is cute!!! Little heartbreaker!!!

Nicole said...

I wish atleast one could stay little forever- I would freeze Grace forever at this age- she is so fun. They grow up way too fast!

Julie said...

Pure cuteness is right! The cuteness is really rather painful for my heart! I love him. Give him loves from moi!

Lindsay said...

His eyes are amazing! I love baby talk, it's one of my favorite things!

Kikibug said...

OH MY GOSH! How did I not know you had a baby!!! HELLO! What a total loser friend I am. Congrats! How is it to have FOUR??? I don't think we will ever have four, well, for sure we wont unless we adopt. He is GORGEOUS!! Yep, he is an ......! (didn't want to put your last name)