Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Brookie's Turn

For awhile now I have told little Miss Brookie that she could get her 'Ears Pierce' (As she calls it).  She has not had any interest in it until Daddy brought it up last week.  I'm not sure what made him think of it, but he asked her if she would like to.  She said no at first but after brewing about it for a day or so she told me she wanted to do it.  So Friday after school I picked her up and off we went.  She was so cute and picked out some Pink Heart earrings.  I was worried about her reaction because she does tend to be somewhat Dramatic!  She was brave and true and although the expression on her face was pretty funny and quite shocked, she didn't shed a tear and was very excited.


Amy said...

Cute, cute!!!

Lindsay said...

Yea for pierced ears!