Saturday, January 30, 2010

The Latest and Greatest

Josh is up to his usual cuteness and being his normal self which is so funny.  Here are some of his latest.

This morning he and Brooklynn were up to their usual early morning argument which usually winds up in both of them getting in trouble.  After one of there exchanges and Josh coming into tattle he was walking back to talk to Brooklynn and Steve and I heard,  "You are a wude (rude) sister Brook!"  Said with alot of contempt. 
The other morning on the way to drop the kids off at school he was talking about how he just wants to go to school with Brooklynn.  I proceeded to tell him that he was to little, this is the conversation that followed.

J - I am too big.
M- I know you are a big boy, but you are too small to go to Brooklynn's class
J- No, I am a big boy
M - I know you are a big boy but Brooklynn is bigger than you and you are just too little to go to school
J - Yep, I am big little.
I couldn't help but laugh.  He adores Brooklynn and Tyler and all day long asks me when we can go pick them up. 

Early one morning last week he came in and used our bathroom.  It was very evident to me in my half asleep state that he was not hitting the water as he should.
M - Josh make sure to hit the water
J - But my _______ (insert your name for it here) is spraying all over the place
Steve and I couldn't help but laugh at that. 

Then last week Steve took Josh to run some errands.  When they got home Steve told me that Josh had informed him that he wanted to play football for the Green Peckers  - meaning of course the Green Bay Packers.  Tyler had been trying to teach Josh how to play a football game on the PlayStation.  This one really got me giggling. 

He is so funny and super cute.


Nicole said...

The green bay peckers- hilarious!!!!!

McKenna said...

Awe, can I just eat him?! What a crack up. And I totally love your _________ (insert your name for it) because we all know that everyone calls it something different. Question is... what did he call it?

Marilee said...

Maybe "Pecker" should be the name you insert for "it"! HA HA HA! Love that kid! He's so funny! Also, I'm going to comment here on the post about Noah simply because the internet connection at my hotel sucks and it will take me hours to get back to that comment page. SOooo, Noah is adorable! Nothing more needs to be said, really, just simply adorable! I can't believe he's getting so big and that he is so much bigger than Avery! It will be fun to see them grow together! Loves!