Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Yes, it is true my cute adorable super funny and completely sassy boy turned 3. The big day was Monday and he rang in the big day in true 3 year old fashion - HE WAS SO ORNERY. I can't say I blame him after a busy weekend and no napping that is what happens, right? After he did have a nap he was a perfectly happy boy and we had a good family birthday celebration.

BOY /boi/n. A noise with dirt on it.
I can sometimes resist temptation, BUT NEVER MISCHIEF.
Joyce Rebeta-Burditt

And now the top ten Reason why I love Josh!

  1. His smile melts your heart, your anger, your frustration. He knows how to use it as a weapon against mom and dad and he uses it often.
  2. His nickname is Tater and really who doesn't love some good Tater's
  3. He is super loving, always giving us kisses and snuggles.
  4. As one of the people who works in the nursery at church told me on Sunday, "HE IS ALL BOY!"
  5. He has a great sense of humor and has since he was a little guy, for whatever reason he just gets it.
  6. He is FUNNY! Now I am not just saying this - he really has a gift for making us all laugh and lightening the mood. He also likes, no LOVES the audience.
  7. He say's the most adorable things. For example calling Tyler 'Big Slim'
  8. He loves to play with the boys, especially his big brother, you know 'Big Slim'
  9. When you ask him how old he is, he always says something other than his real age, usually he says 5 or 6.
  10. He is happy! He is just a happy cute little man.

I am so glad that this cute little person gets to be apart of my family! Happy Birthday Tater, we love you bunches!!


Julie said...

His incredibles costume rivals Natalie's snow white costume for best ever! Tater is cute and that dirty smile/sparkle in his eye will get ya every time! He is a dirty! Love him!

Lindsay said...

Okay, I really can't believe he is 3. The time has gone so fast! He sure is a cute litle Tater!

Melissa said...

I meant to ask you how it went. Sounds great! He is a funny man.

Marilee said...

He's so cute and I can't believe he's THREE!!! Where does the time go?

Nicole said...

I love him bunches too and am lame becasue we didn't call on his birthday. We remembered a few days later,but figured that might confuse him and you would end up needing to do a cake, etc all over again :)