Monday, December 22, 2008

A Little Josh!

As usual Josh keeps me laughing. Here are a few of his latest.

'Noonies' this translates into Missionaries. As in, "Please bless the noonies."
'Samily' this translates into Family

And the latest and my personal favorite for this time of year is -

"Mommy, you go to the Norf Pole and see Lanta Claus? I want a GREEN DINOSAUR (emphasis on the the 'r')!"

What? Lanta for Santa. Go figure it isn't like he can't say his 'S' he just prefers Lanta to Santa.

1 comment:

Leslierush said...

I love toddler talk. I write down my favorite Aiden words in my journal so I don't forget. Right now my favorite is when he says "don't skeeze (squeeze) my face." cus I like to squish his face. I love the noonies, thats so cute.