I guess I will start with Thanksgiving - We drove down to the 'OC' to hang out with Nana and Granddad, Ryan and Nicole and the rest of Christofferson crew. We also were able to see the Pat and Peri crew. It was a nice relaxing weeked full of food and fun. We took the kids Mini Golfing and they had a blast. It was really nice.

Marin and Brooklynn Mini Golfing

Joshua was completely angry because everyone kept bugging him and he just wanted to be left alone to golf!

Justin, Aunti Nicole, Brooks and Marin at Fashion Island after we saw the big tree.
Since Thanksgiving I have been busy getting Christmas presents bought and just trying to keep all my lists organized. I have activity days next week and I am heading up Tyler's 'Winter' Party at school. I don't know how I got recruited for the party, but it should be fun. If I can just get all the stuff I need purchased. Actually, I won't lie, I really don't like to plan these kinds of things, I just can't handle the pressure. I am not now, nor have I ever been the party planning person. It just really gives un-needed stress so I try to avoid it, but his teacher asked me to help out and so here I am planning the party. Hopefully it all goes well and I make it through next week without too much stress.
We have also been busy worrying about Steve's Grandpa. After having major surgery at age 99 he is finally home and hopefully on the mend. We had been planning to have Christmas at home with Nana and Granddad, but because we are concerned about Grandpa, we are making the long, long, long drive to Idaho for a second year in a row. After last year we swore we would never do it again, hauling all the gifts, keeping track of them, it is just getting really difficult to pack it all up and go some where, but we feel like it is really important to go and see Grandpa, so off we will go! We were so sad to uninvite Nana and Granddad (we love you lots!), but are grateful they understand the need to see Grandpa. Brooklynn was most concerned that Nana and Granddad would come and we wouldn't be here. We assured her that they would be okay and they were going to stay at their house. Although the drive will be no fun, it will be fun to see everyone!
One of the most major events of the last couple of weeks has been getting rid of Joshua's soother (Binki for you American folks). Josh called it his "thisth" spimds kind of like fish with a 'th' instead of an 'f'. For months he was only allowed to have it at night or nap times or maybe when he was really really just oh so very sad. Then all of a sudden he needed it all the time and started climbing on things to get them off the dresser. I'm not sure why, but that made me turn the corner and I decided it was time to get rid of it. So, Steve cut one in half and gave it to Josh - talk about total and utter devastation. He was so upset and looked at us like, "Are you kidding? This is seriously not something to joke about! Fix it, fix it." And thus it began. After we convinced him it was totally broken and he threw it away, it was gone forever. Daddy being the nice guy let him stay up and we rocked him to sleep. It was a rough couple of days, but not as bad as I anticipated. He still comes up to me at least once a day shrudding his shoulders and putting his hands up says, "A thisth?" Then he says, "aaa gan" (all gone) and then I say, "It's broken, bye bye." And that is that. The really sad part of it all, is after those rough couple of days, I realized not only had I taken away his comfort, but he had all four, yes all four of his eye teeth come in the same week. Oops, maybe not the best timing. Getting rid of them has definitely made bed time more truamatic, we had a great routine where would snuggle, sing songs, say prayers and then off to bed. Now, it is Josh screaming for "Da Da Da," because apparently now Dad is going to rescue him from the horrible torture I am putting him through. Oh well, we survived it and for all you out there who just can't seem to get rid of them, I say just go for it and DON'T turn back!!!!
I think that is about all for our update. I really don't have too many photos, but this one is from the Thanksgiving Feast at Ty's school. Although I came to eat lunch with him, we feasted on Taco Bell! I opted out of the Shredded Turkey in gravy and mashed potatoes.

Hi Heather...so nice to see you back bloggin. It's been a while. Boring you think? It sounds like you've been quite BUSY if you ask me! I hope your class christmas party goes well...I'm sure it'll be awesome! And congrats getting Joshy off his soother. That's exactly how it was for Malia too. Fortunately, Dallin has always refused the binki so that is something we won't have to go through.
Hey, will you be coming thru Utah on your drive to Idaho? Feel free to stop by if you need a rest stop! We'd love to see you! :-)
I love the new festive background!!!!
I love the Thanksgiving pics- that seems so long ago since I've had a baby since then! Getting rid of the soother is sooooooo hard each time- way to go and bite the bullet! Hope youa have fun with Nana for a few days!
Don't talk to me about a long long long drive.
Taking the soother away is always traumatic! But it will get better! I hope you have a great Christmas in Idaho! Sorry about the drive.
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