Friday, June 02, 2006

Political Craziness

Alright, so I just have to tell you that California's elected representatives are morons! They are trying to pass some bill here that will require that they teach children K-12 about "alternate lifestyles" Meaning of course Homosexual, bisexual, transgender and crap like that. Aparantly it is suppose to help create tolerance. In my view it is just a way to indoctrinate our children to thinking that those lifestyles are normal and ok. My children can't learn about God at school, because it is offensive to some people, but it is okay to teach them this crap. What a joke. I emailed and called the Govenor's office and assembly members to put some pressure on them to veto this stupid bill.

Anyway, I just had to share my views with anyone, if anyone, who reads my blog.

1 comment:

Julie said...

That sucks. Don't worry, I have LAME elected officials too. Keep fighting and good and truth will prevail!