Tuesday, July 05, 2011

It makes me cry....just a little!

Today was a big day at our house.  It has been months in the making.....

Noah went from this....

To This......

I have to be truthful, it hurts my heart.  But Steve and I decided it was time to take control of the mop top.  The poor guy was waking up with a sweaty head and it was getting more and more out of control.  He really has some great hair - any girl would kill for it.  There is something about this BIG BOY haircut that pulls at my heart and makes me realize how fast my little baby is growing up. 


Laura said...

definitely makes him look older. But he's still so dang cute!

Marilee said...

Oh my gosh he looks so grown up now!!! He had more hair than Avery! She would have tried to put bows in his hair at the cabin so I guess its a good thing ya cut it! :-) He still is adorable, even with a big boy haircut!

Amy said...

Cute boy!! LOVE it both ways!!