Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Baby Thoughts

For obvious reasons Baby Stuff is on my mind. I was at my Dr's Appointment to day and overheard a first time mom talking to her friend - also a soon to be first time mom and I couldn't help but smile. Why smile? A couple of reasons - First I thought wow I totally remember being in that postion and trying to figure it all out, Second I thought, WOW I am so glad this is not my first rodeo.
Then I came home and found in my mailbox a book that I asked Marilee to send me. I am only into the first Chapter but recommend it to all you moms out there. It is called 'The Parenting Breakthrough" by Merrilee Browne Boyack. In the first chapter she talks about how each child is different and even though you have been through this rodeo before, each time it is different and you have to learn what works and doesn't work with each child. That lead to me thinking - what will this child be like. How will he be different and how will he be the same? Will he be snuggly like Ty was, fussy like Brooklynn or mellow like Josh? Maybe a combination? Who's to say, but I sure do look forward to finding out.


Lindsay said...

They all are so different and such different experiences, but at least you know how it goes and will be prepared!

Marilee said...

I'm so glad the book got there already AND I have to once again pat myself on the back for mailing it the day I bought it. Normally it would sit in my car for 6 months like the Christmas Present I got for mom. It's still in my garage! Anywho, I'm glad this isn't my first rodeo either! Love You!

Amy said...

Cute babies!!!

Oh....and look forward to reading that book when I have more kiddos under my belt!!

Did you hear about Kendall and Jamie??

TWIN BOYS!!!!!!!

Jeni said...

ohhh your kiddies are sooooooooooooo cute! Sounds like a good boook. next baby, i will read!

Tirsa said...

Although this is my first "rodeo" physically, this is not my first rodeo at the parenting thing. And I have definitely already learned that each child is different and parenting each one is a unique experience and needs to be tailored to each one.

You asked about how it feels to be pregnant for the first time at our age and honestly, all is going very well. It's hard to see myself becoming so huge and it is hard to not be able to do things that I am used to doing, but I feel REALLY GREAT! With that said, I am still not one of those people who will say when this is over, "I loved being pregnant". I can't go that far. I love that I get to have this experience and I love that it is going to bring us another child but I don't necessarily love being pregnant. And I don't think I could do it 4 times so BIG PROPS to you! If I'm lucky, I'll do it one more time and still get 4 kids out of the deal! :) Hope you are well! Love you.