Tuesday, May 19, 2009

And The Ultrasound Says.........

You don't really think I am going to tell you that easily do you? We'll get there I promise, but I must share a few thoughts first.
#1 - It never ceases to amaze me - The fact that there is a baby in there that is alive and moving and growing and it really just mesmorizes me.
#2 - I am very blessed to be able to have kids. I am truly grateful for my children and for this little one soon to join our house.
#3 - As the exceptionally nice Ultra Sound Lady said, "God sends you what you need, not necessarily what you want." Those are some very wise words! Although it does make me slighly nervous wondering what the Lord thinks I need!
#4 - I could watch my baby on Ultrasound all day, no really I could!
#5 - The whole 3D/4D thing is sort of freaky. When we showed Josh the 3D picture of the baby he said, "That baby is all screwed up!"
#6 - Brooklynn is now and will always be our #1 Princess.
So since I have now tortured you all enough. See for yourself what FLAVOR of baby this is going to be.
So with that, I hope you all enjoy the very conclusive evidence of our next little BOY! What? It is a BOY? Really? Steve was completely convinced it was a girl and although I wouldn't commit I thought it would probably be a girl too. I even had some great names that I liked, some bedding picked out and plans for the 'girls' room. And although more bows and dresses would have been fun, we are excited about more golf clubs, footballs, and all that comes with boys! Besides, Josh needs a partner in crime, right? Brooklynn took it hard, she was really hoping for a GIRL, I mean really hoping. After a few tears, and daddy telling her how special she is to be our only girl, she decided it would be ok.
Now to figure out a name........


Tirsa said...

I can only imagine how hard it was on Brooklynn. I was so gearing up for a meltdown if our baby was a boy but Bella got what she wanted this time.

It is amazing to see them on ultrasound. I am always so bummed when the ultrasound is over. I could watch forever too.


angie j. said...

congrats to you and the whole family. boys are awesome. girls are too. isn't it great that you get to know what it's like to have both kinds! hope the rest of the pregnancy goes smoothly. love ya!

Kacey said...

Yep...that ultrasound CLEARLY shows a little guy in there. How exciting to find out! I like those wise words by your ultra sound lady. Very very true.

Nicole said...

I must be lame because if it hadn't been circled- I would have no idea that it was a boy! Oh well...congrats! we are excited!

Proud Momma said...

Yay Heather! I love finding out what I'm having! 3D/4D is a little freaky I have to agree, hard to get a perfect picture!

Good luck with 3 little boys...2 boys just about does me in!

Marilee said...

I'm so happy you are having a boy! Joshie and this little one will be best buddies like G and Logan are are! You'll even mix their names up more than the other kids even though you clearly know who is who since you birthed and named them. I can understand Brookie taking it hard but there are so many perks to being the only girl. We were prepping Annie so much that she changed her mind and wanted a Boy before we found out this one was a girl. If she is ever sad about it, get mom on the job, she has some GREAT reasons why being the only girl is ideal! Can't wait for our little ones to get here. Even though your little man will be a few months younger, he'll be my little girls protector and pal, just like Jack and Annie! I'm sooooo excited! Love You!!!

McKenna said...

Congrats! A boy will be fun, and I think in a few years Brookie will end up loving being the only girl.

Jen said...

Very exciting! Gracie knows Brooklynn's pain....she was so upset to find out there was a brother on the way, instead of the sister she had envisioned.

Mom, Aunt, Grandma Ehat or Lori said...

Congrats! 3 boys!!!

Lindsay said...

Yea for another boy! I can't wait to see who he looks like!