Thursday, May 21, 2009

What is in A Name?

What is in a Name? Does anyone know the answer to that one.? I have been pondering names since Monday and I am lost.

When Tyler was born Steve and I had a list of names, 3 to be exact. We went to the hospital, Ty was born, we had our 3 names, but committing to any of them was extremely difficult for me and I think for Steve to. I think it took us a good 36 hours to finally settle on Tyler. Of course now the name is perfect and I love it. Again when Brooklynn was born we had a few names we liked, but this time committing wasn't so hard, it just seemed to fit. Then there was Josh because of the circumstances we committed to the name an hour or so before his cute little face popped out and thankfully it too was the perfect name for him. BUT, to give a name to a new, fresh from Heaven little soul is for me a big responsibility. There is a lot of pressure maybe it is self impossed, but I want to get it just right.

If this little baby had been a girl, I would be 95% certain of the name right now. There may have been a change at the end, but I had a name in mind that I loved. That doesn't mean I am sad that this baby is a boy, it just means that I have alot of work to do to figure out a name.

I have been thinking of lots of names, Steve has thrown out some that are definite possibilities, but nothing has stuck yet. For me the list making has begun, I'm sure there will be many additions and subtractions over the next few months, but for now he will be called, especially by Josh, "Baby Boy." And that works for me.


Melissa said...

We've always gone back and forth until we've found the perfect name. You'll know it when you've found it!

Marilee said...

I told you a few of mine today but I'm in the same predicament with naming my own kid. As soon as we found out this was a girl, our boy list desintegrated and now all we have in our brains are girl names! I'll let you know when I think of a good boy one!

Lindsay said...

Even if you have some picked out, as you know, picking the final name is still hard. It'll come to you, don't stress about it!

Proud Momma said...

I hate this period! The name has to click just right...Sean and I just decided a month ago on our name and let me tell you...we had many sleepless nights...even him!

Good luck, it'll pop into your head eventually.

hayley said...

Good luck! I can't wait to hear what you come up with. Will and I never agree on boy names. Girl names are so much easier because you can be much more creative and it sounds cute instead of weird.

Amy said...

Names are so hard!! All the ones I like I don't really want to share...we wouldn't want any to be stolen, right?!! :) Do you want a middle name after someone in the fam?? I'll be thinking!!! Heart you!!

Tirsa said...

You have totally taken the words out of my mouth. In fact, I journaled something almost exactly like what you wrote and have thought about posting our possibilities on our blog for people to vote on but I just can't bring myself to have the names scrutinized by other people yet. Naming a child is such a personal experience and, I agree, a huge responsibility.
It is funny because Blaine and I had a definite boy name picked out but since this is a girl, we are going round and round. We just can't commit. But, we always make sure that one of the names is a family name and we have looked at our genealogy records in the past for that. Naming our first two seemed so easy. This one has been so much harder for some reason. Whatever the case, the only people that need to be happy with the name you choose is you guys. I'm not out to please anyone else and I've already heard criticisms of our top choices. Oh, well. I like them, so there!