Thursday, February 26, 2009

Just Nothing!

What have we been up to lately you ask - JUST NOTHING! Not nothing in that we are sitting around doing nothing, nothing in the sense of NOTHING out of the ORDINARY. Right now time just seems to be rolling on by, school, sports and life rolling along with it. I can't complain we are happy and just busy enough. Let's see if I can give a run down of the ordinary.

After dealing with a loud and semi functioning washing machine for the past month, I finally called someone to come and take a look at it. My washer is only about 4 1/2 years old and has been great until it decided to only spin when it feels like it. So most of my wash has been opening the lid, seeing that it chose not to spin, trying to spin it again and crossing my fingers that it worked. I was getting really tired of the process and the problem was getting worse. So the repair guy came, examined, ran a load and wonder of wonders the stupid dumb bleepity bleep thing is busted and needs a whole new transmission. I was shocked angry and feeling very betrayed by my washing machine. After getting a quote on the repairs, I decided that getting a new one was a much better option. It will arrive sometime today - which is good because I am almost going to be naked. *Just a note for anyone in the market, the lady from the repair shop gave me some great advice on washers. She says to buy Whirlpool unless it is a Whirlpool Calypso or the Sport Duet front loaders, she also said the LG front loaders are not good.

As for my 3 year old all I can say is AAAAARRRRRGGGGGG! He is so very 3 and somedays I am absolutely at my end. He is devious and very underdisciplined (of course that is my fault), but he is just so different than the other two. As he is now standing with his nose in the corner because he hit his sister, I just pray I can keep my cool with him. With all that being said, he is so adorable and so much fun that I just can't help but completely adore him (thus he is underdisciplined).

Brooklynn started taking a little gymnastics class and is enjoying that. We decided she needed her own little thing because she seems to get lost in the shuffle. I love her and her spunky personality, she is non-stop all day long. She loves school and is becoming a good little reader. She is also very excited right now because she has her first loose tooth. We haven't convinced her to let us pull it out yet, but I think she is getting close. It is already so hard for her to bite things with the top two gone, so with one more missing up front we may have some good family laughs watching her try to eat. I can't believe how grown up she is, I love her so much!!!!

Tyler just finished Basketball and as of yesterday started Baseball. He is excited about it and is on a team with a great group of kids. I think it will be fun and although Baseball season is long it is nice when he is busy doing something. He is getting so tall and so grown up and is my right hand man when daddy is travelling. The other morning I woke up a little late and he had fed Brooks and Josh and was getting ready for school! I am thankful everyday that he is mine because he is amazing!

I guess that is about all, JUST NOTHING out of the ordinary that is!


Kacey said...

I've noticed a theme lately in many of our blogs...nothing out of the ordinary. That's our life too. I still find it entertaining to read the updates though!
(your part about Josh was cracking me up...)

Marilee said...

Just remember that the word ordinary comes from the word "EXTRORDINARY"! Yep it does and cheesey as it sounds, there are some days that just getting out of bed should be considered "EXTRODINARY"! Love You!

Julie said...

Turns out my washer is a whirlpool. who knew?

McKenna said...

I agree, I defniately see a theme.

I love to see your ordinary life. I think it is beneficial to know that every one around us, (particularly in our families) are all going through the same hum-drumbs of life. That's cool that Brookie is in gymnastics, I am sure she's loving it. I can't believe how grown up she and Tyler are either. And 3 year olds, I feel ya! I deal with quite a few of them everyday.

Nicole said...

That didn't sound like nothing! I love the update- now i need to go do the same :)

Nicole said...

Update already! :) Are you feeling any better?