Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Idaho!!!! ( long post sorry)

After Gongy's party the kids and I headed to Idaho to spend the week at Grandma's house! The kids were so excited. Steve headed out to Atlanta for work, yet again, and was coming back on Friday to drive home with us. Soon after we arrived on Sunday, Katrina brought her kids over to spend the night and play. It was so fun to see Eli, Hannah and Emmaus. They are all very cute and the kids get along great. Monday they played hard and then Mom Empey and I drove up to Idaho Falls for FHE and to swap kids. We fed the ducks with the kids, had some snow cones and then came back with Hannah and left Tyler with Katrina.

Tuesday, Brooks and Hannah played and played, we went to the park for lunch, then while Josh and I napped, Grandma to the girls to the library for a special dinosaur day. When they came home we set up 'Grandma's water world' and the kids played. There is nothing like Grandma's back yard for fun and playing. Brooklynn wore herself out everyday playing. Josh enjoyed his first popsicle and as with everything was hilarious to watch!

Wednesday Ty and Brooks were back with us - they played and then in the late afternoon we went to the swimming pool. I found out that Josh is completely fearless in the water. He started out cautiously and then just went for it in the kiddie pool. If I hadn't been right next to him the whole time he would have drowned. He would get into the deep water and then just throw is head back and go under - he is seriously insane. Brooks and Ty love the water and Tyler had a great time on the water slide and in the lazy river. Josh was so cute eating his first ever nectarine and was kind enough to share it with me. That night after a quick visit to Grandpa Nelson's, he is amazing and will be 99 in a few months, I ended up having a long night with Brooklynn who was throwing up most of the night.

Thursday Brooks and I took it easy while Grandma and Tyler ran errands and went to the zoo. And then of course the very best part of the day came when KARI AND J AND JAKE arrived. Yippy, the boys were so cute together and loved playing. On Thursday night we took the kids up to IF to see a production of Beauty and the Beast. It was pretty good, but very long so we left early as Brooklynn was still not at the top of her game. While we were gone the babies were at Grandma's with a baby sitter while Grandma was at a meeting. The baby sitter put Josh to bed and he was crying. Jakey could here him crying and would not leave the room where the baby monitor was. He was most concerned about his buddy 'osh'

Just as a side note, Jake is super cute and says a ton of words.

Friday we just hung out and played and Dad Empey and Jason went to pick up Steve from the airport. It was nice to have him back.

Our week ended with a fishing derby, hosted by a veterans organization, I just can't remember which one. Tyler had been asking to go fishing all week, so this was the perfect opportunity. Grandpa and dad were most excited to take the kids and Brooklynn was excited about her first fishing expedition. We arrived at the pond about noon. It was our family, Kari and J, Mom and Dad Empey and Grandpa Nelson at first. Then the Wayments, The Dave Empey's, and the Averetts arrived. Not too many fish were caught, but with only 20 minutes or so remaining in the derby things got exciting. Steve noticed that while most of the fish were not eating anything a few were still downing the bread that was dropped in the water. So he loaded the line up with some bread and low and behold Tyler caught a big 16 or 17 inch fish. He was pleased, but they had to throw it back because it was too big to keep. (Sorry no pictures). With only a few minutes remaining Steve loaded up the line again and let Brooklynn have a go. She reeled in a huge 22 inch trout with a girth of 13 inches. She was most excited and ended up winning a trophy for the biggest fish caught by a girl. Her picture was taken for the local paper and everything. She was so excited and although I missed seeing it because I was at home with Josh who was sleeping, she told me all about it!

After the fishing derby we went back to the house and hung out with the family and the kids played in the back yard. Of course a water fight started, probably thanks to Kari, and Steve and Dave turned on Dad. With Kari's help the drenched him with the hose, tackled him onto the slip'n'slide and had a great time doing it. Dad was ready to kill them, but they had a good time and we all had a good laugh.
We drove home on Sunday, with a rotten little whiney 18 month old named Josh. He was miserable in the car for about 12 of our 14 hours. He is very happy to be home. He has a rough trip. I think we slept in four different places over a week and a half and he met all of his cousins on both sides of the family except for Kayla's boys. He was very clingy, but eventually warmed up to Grandma - thank heavens. Every time I was out of sight he would cry. It was hard on him, but he survived and has some fun in there too!
Grandma and Grandpa are know making there way to Germany to see Paul and Kayla. We love and miss you Paul and Kayla. Have fun with Grandma and Grandpa!!!!


Julie said...

First off, nice fancy music. Hehehe. Second of all I'm so glad you had a fun time in Idaho! It looked so beautiful and seeing that I'm back in the cruddy midwest I am very jealous of the crystal blue sky that you enjoyed. All the kids are so cute. FYI--did it occur to you that maybe Brooky threw up all night because she'd been out in the sun so much??? I don't know, just a thought.

Marilee said...

Loved your montages! Looks like you had lots of fun! I wish there could a been a picture of Brookie with her big fish! Way to go Brooks! I'm with Julie on the barfing thing. Maybe a bit of sun stroke! Glad she's better and everyone else didn't get it like they do when one of my kids start to barf! LOVED the picture of Joshie with his head in the brown bin and his butt in the air! HILARIOUS!!! Glad you had such fun! Wish you were gonna be Canada for more fun! Love You!

Nicole said...

So fun! My kids are jealous of the whole fishing thing- something you don't do a lot of in Irvine! :) Hope all is well!

Kendra said...

I love the new look. I can't see all of your stuff, because my sister computer is less than ideal. I will check it when I get to Utah next week, so I can see all the pictures. Sounds like an awesome trip!! Miss you guys!

Andrew M. Wayment said...

The pics are great - but my kids are sad that you didn't mention or include them in the post.