Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Frozen in Time

Have you ever wished for just minute that you could freeze time or freeze one of your kids at that perfectly cute and adorable age that you never EVER want to forget??? I have and I am wishing it right now.

 Noah is at that perfectly cute and adorable age and I never EVER want to forget him at this age.  He is cute and funny and full of life and happiness and at least once a day my heart melts when he says, "Hi Mom, Ya (love) you!"  Or when I hear him singing to himself, or when he counts, "on, two, free!", or when he stomps around the house or sqauts down the way he does when he is dancing, or when he tries to do push ups with the other boys!  He is priceless as all my kids were and I wish that in some way it were possible to freeze him in time so he could stay my sweet almost two year old boy for just a little longer! I'm not asking for forever, but couldn't we just slow down time, Just for a little while????  

I guess I'll have to keep wishing......


Melissa said...

Don't you think this is especially true of the "last" child?

Amy said...

He's so cute!!! I have to admit...I'm not to that phase yet, but I think it's me! I keep thinking about how I want my kids to be older so we can do more! But I sure do miss certain stages ones they are gone. I may be feeling this way today in particular since I'm potty training! Ha...