Tuesday, February 08, 2011

On The Other End!

We are slowly settling into our new house and new routine.  I mean really slowly.  We arrived last Thursday to some of the worst weather Texas has seen in a long time.  The roads were wicked icy, the parking lots were literally sheets of ice (I mean for reals) and a huge over night Snow Storm was predicted.  I doubted it would snow, I really doubted it, but I was WRONG.  We woke up to a winter wonderland.  It was beautiful, but watching the news in the morning had both Steve and I giggling.  People here just don't know how to deal with snow - they even talked about pumping your brakes on the news.  Being from the North it was super commical.  EvERYTHING and I do mean EVERYTHING shuts down in the snow. 

Of course the SNOW was not going to stop us, no chance, we had a house to get to.  We clearned out of the hotel and headed for our new digs.  It was so awesome to see the kids so excited about our new place.  We are excited too!  We spent the weekend sleeping on  Air Matresses and running upstairs to the small fridge at the wet bar for Milk, but we survived (Barely).

Yesterday all our boxes and furniture arrived - and I am now in the midst of mess and unpacking, but I am so grateful to be here.  I am also grateful  that Josh enjoyed his new preschool and Brooklynn and Tyler enjoyed their first day of school today.  Brooklynn came home and said, "Mom it didn't feel like my first day at a new school at all!"  Although how can you not start off well, when you arrive at your new classroom the kids cheer for you! 


Marilee said...

Oh the fun!!! I'm impressed that you took some time out to blog! Can't wait to see pics of your house all put together! Love you!

Nicole said...

They cheered?! How awesome is that? I wish I could come help you unpack. It's always much more fun to do someone else's house!

Amy said...

OK...I totally just teared up at the thought of Brooklynn's class CHEERING for her!! That is the cutest thing ever!! I wish I had thought of doing that when I had new students join us! Glad you made it safe and sound...maybe you can show TX how to drive (or maybe survive) in the snow!!

Laura said...

I wish the kids in my classrooms would cheer for me! That sounds like a great welcome to TX. Mom and dad swear the people are the friendliest they've ever met.