Friday, February 25, 2011

Back to Frestucky....

Well not Literally, but I just downloaded all my pictures so here are a few of the highlights before we left!

 Noah Looking Daper in his suit and of course we must mention the mullet!

 I just thought this picture of Noah and Nana was cute!

 Ty and His Buddy Dax

 Brooklynn and one of her BFF's Taylie (We miss you Taylie)

 Brooklynn and Duncan (She had a crush on him when she was 3). Jamie and I totally made them take a picture together - they were mostly just embarassed!

 Tater and Teacher Ashely.  He loved going to preschool at Miss Ashley's and misses her and all his friends!

 I love this picture of Josh and Carter and Nash.  This picture just says it all!

 Brookie and Mrs. Vogt

 Ty saying goodbye to Mrs. Saunders!

 A last picture in front of the school!  Sad! 

 Brookie and Grace - These two are so cute!

 Trev and Ty - These two were totally Best Friends. Not only does Ty miss Trev, but I do too.  He always had a smile on his face and is the best kid!

 One last picture in front of our house.  It was harder to say goodbye to this little place than I thought!  6 years and the addition of two babies made for a pile of great memories!  I took a picture of Ty and Brooks in front of the house (although on the driveway) the year we moved in.  So I had to have one of my four kiddos before we left!

 Me and my boy!  I love this kid.

1 comment:

Amy said...

Sad! Are those cute little tears in Tyler's eyes saying goodbye to his teacher? So cute!