Thursday, June 24, 2010

I did it!

I have never been one to set goals, like in an official kind of way.  Especially I would say in an athletic/excercise kind of setting.  That is until now.  Just after Noah was born, Julie (my sista) ran in a Ragnar Relay Race in LasVegas.  She came home telling me tales of how fun it was and I was so proud of her for doing it.  She suggested we run one together.  I said ok, not thinking much of it.  Well by Christmas she had me committed to running the Wasatch Back in Utah and I in turn talked my sister-in-law Kari into joining us. 

I am not runner - let's just make that clear.  But after Christmas I attempted to get in shape and started running. At first it was a little here and a little there.  I still was not full in, but as time marched on and June got ever closer I really started into training.  I can't say I loved it, but I did like how it made me feel and I liked that I was able to get rid of the remnants of pregnancy weight.  On I went ever committed to be ready for the race - I actually surprised myself that I was so on top of my training and rarely missed a run or workout in whatever form it came. 

Well, this past weekend I flew to Utah for the Wasatch Back.  The race was on Friday/Saturday and to say it was awesome is an understatement.  It was one of the most challenging, enjoyable, incredible, fun things I have ever accomplished.  I never thought I would be able to do it and I am happy to say that I surprised myself.  Julie and Kari and all the other girls in our van Rocked it and I was able to make some great new friends and reach a goal I never thought I would really be able to do.  I have never had the desire to run a marathon or even a half marathon for that matter, but I would do this again in a heart beat. 

Our team name was, "I Have To Run WHERE?"  which once out there really sums it up.  The race goes from Logan to Park City and was in some of the most beautiful country.  I was inspired by all the people running and let me tell you they came in all shapes and sizes.  By the end I was tired and irritable (as we all were), but so glad that I accomplished what I had set out to do.  Not to mention I got to do it with two of my favorite ladies in all the land.  Here's to VAN #1 and all the fun we had.  LOVES to you girls!

Naomi, Vickie, Kari and Joanne - Julie had just taken off for leg 1.

Me and Vickie with Seone (how do you spell that) from the biggest looser

Julie after her first run!  Isn't she a babe????

Me almost ready to go and Julie done leg 1

Me on my first leg.  There were some cute girls out there cheering us on and cooling us down!!!

This was after I was all done.  Kari was just about to the exchange for our last runner to go!

There are a bunch more pictures with Kari and the other ladies, but they are all on Julie's camera, so I will post them when they come!!!


Kacey said...

Go Heather!! You totally did it! are an inspiration. I've heard SO much about the wasatch back and how much fun it it, I might just have to try it one of these years.
BTW, your arms look dang good (so toned!) in that last picture.
Congratulations on reaching your goal!

Amy said...

Sooooo proud of you!!! I'm sorry I missed you seeing for the 2 seconds your were here!! I'm soooo proud of you guys! So you met my friend JoAnne!! She's so great! We were neighbors until she moved up by Jules!

Love you.

Kendra said...

You rock! So cool! So proud of you...not that you really care!

Christy said...

Congrats! Sad we missed you J. D. and I ran also but we were van #2. What a awesome accomplishment!

Marilee said...

I'm so proud of you! Hopefully next time I'll be there with ya!

Lindsay said...

I am so jealous! I can't wait to get back in shape and do something super fun like that. I ran two miles today and it was hard! I've got a ways to go, but I'm so proud of you guys, you rock!

julie said...

That is so amazing! I am so proud of you and just a little jealous :) THat is a huge accomplishment. I can't wait to see you!

Nicole said...

You guys are awesome! When they have a dance race I'm totally in :)