Thursday, July 10, 2008

More Summer Fun!

We had a great 4th of July Week down in the OC. We were able to see Julie and TJ - yeah! Marin, but not the rest of the Miller gang - boo! And basically, we just had a great time. It worked out great because Steve had work down in LA and so we just all loaded up and went down, he was able to get his work done and enjoy his long weekend too! All in all it was great.

Here is a recap of our week!
Monday - Disneyland, what more can we say, it was great. Nana, Granddad and Marin came with us and Julie and TJ and crew! The kids had a fantastic time and were brave and tried many new rides. Some of the favorites were, Splash Mountain, California Screamin, the Bear Mountain River Ride, and Soarin. Tyler tried the Tower of Terror and will probably never go on it again, but we will say he was totally brave and true. Josh thought everything was too 'youd' (loud) and although he didn't get to go on very many rides seemed to enjoy himself.

Tuesday - We went to the pool at moms house. We packed a picnic lunch and spent 4 hours at the pool. The kids had a great time and were very worn out. Uncle TJ won dad of the year and endured a bad sunburn the rest of the week for his sacrifices.

Wednesday - Beach Baby! We headed to the beach and although not my favorite place, we had a great time. The kids of course loved it. The kids were having a great time burying each other, that is until Tyler's turn rolled around and not naming any names, someone threw a handful of sand in his face and in his mouth. It resulted in a few minutes of drama trying to get him cleaned out, he also threw up on unnamed assassins flip flop because the sand was gagging him. Although no fun, it was just one of those moments and I think next time Ty will remember to keep his mouth shut.

Thursday - Disneyland again! We were minus Granddad, Nana and Marin and plus more of the Brinks crew. Again we had a great day, some drama, some tired kids, but all in all it was just as fun as Monday. I think most of us got to do what we wanted. The highlight of the day for me was taking Josh on Dumbo. He had been a pill all day and it was all worth it to see the look of joy on his face while he was doing the steering on Dumbo. He loved it! I also loved going on Space Mountain with Brooklynn. She screamed the whole time, like a terrified scream, but when we got to the end of the ride she said, "That was sooo fun!"

Friday - 4th of July! Mom hosted a bar-b-que, we did some swimming and just had kind of a chill day! It was nice and relaxing. The biggest bummer of the day, especially for Steve, was the firework ban in most of OC. He felt somewhat ripped off in his 4th of July Celebrations.

Saturday - Beach again. It took us forever to get there because of the traffic, but once again, it was super fun! Steve and TJ rented some boogie boards and for Ty this was the highlight of the week. If we lived down there, he would be my surfer boy! He loves it, he had so much fun. I'm sad I didn't get any still shots of him riding the boogie board, but I did take lots of video. Josh also discovered the ocean, but after a couple of wipeouts from the waves knocking him down, he wasn't such a fan.

One more little tidbit for you. On Thursday my mom dropped off two shirts and a pair of dress pants at the cleaners for Steve. Saturday we went and picked them up right at closing, got home ate dinner. Then we started packing up to leave the next day. Steve pulled out the pants to pack them and they were not his pants. NOT EVEN close to his pants. So Monday I called and my mom called and Mr. Dry Cleaner is denying he made any mistake and has some video to prove it. I am still on him and he is finally trying to figure out where the pants are. It has been most frustrating and the guy just doesn't seem to understand that I have some strangers pants. Hopefully the pants will show up becuase they are the pants to Steve's suit. Yikes, that is going to be one expensive mistake for this guy becuase I am not going to give up trying to get this resolved.

This week has been kinda chill. The kids and I are trying to get ready to go to Canada. It has been 2 years since I have been there and I am excited to go the cabin and spend some time with my sisters! Yeah!


angie j. said...

i love the pic of josh and your dad - priceless!

Amy said...

I'm so glad to hear you had a great trip! Fun pictures!! I'm glad you did the montage thing because I couldn't remember the website for it!! Are you driving or flying to Canada? Have wonderful time with you sisters!!

Julie said...

hooray for summer! Can't wait to see you in 2 sleeps!

Proud Momma said...

How fun to be together with sisters! I love disneyland and can't wait to take my kids! I love the unnamed assassin! Hilarious!

Nicole said...

So much fun! Marin had such a great time with ya'll- I wish we could have seen you too! I love all the pics of cousins at Disneyland! Hope you are having tons of fun in Canada!