Sunday, February 21, 2010

A Little Tyler!

I don't know where the time goes, but I can't seem to keep up. 

First things first..... I can't go any longer without mentioning that TYLER  made the Honor Roll.  Yep it is true.  We are very proud of him and his hard work.  He is so smart and becoming a very responsible person.  I am super grateful for his help around the house and his great sense of humor.  Good job Ty, we love you.


Kim said...

That's awesome! Great job raising a bright son.

Nicole said...

Yeah! Another nerd boy in the family!

Marilee said...

Great job Tyler!!! Looks like you're following in your Mamma's tracks! (maybe your dad's too, I'm not sure if he was a smarty pants too!) Congrats buddy!Love You!