The longer we live here in the land of hot summers, the more we wish for a swimming pool. Steve had the great idea of getting one of those Easy Set, soft sided pool things. So, since last summer we didn't get one, yesterday he decided it was time. He brought it home and in true fashion after getting everything set so we could fill it with water, we realized there was a significant tear in it. Back in the box it went and Steve took it to exchange it. After returning we set it all up again and after much debate over where it would fit and whether or not the group was level enough for it to even work, we attempted to fill it up. This is what happened.....

As you can tell it didn't quite work the way it supposed to.... we actually have quite a slope in our yard, it sure didn't seem like it until we attempted this. So, all the water collected in the half of the pool closest to the house. Needless to say, Steve was most bummed and we are boxing it up to take it back. I'm not sure what his next plan of action will be, I'll keep you posted! On a positive note though the kids had a good time being thrown in the pool and splashing around. They were adorable. Josh had a great time splashing until Brooklynn, while trying to help him sit, pulled Josh under. You can see in the last picture of Josh that he was terrified as he fell in. I can't believe I caught it on film because I was jumping up to pull him out of the water.

Is Joshua glowing?
I'm sad for you and your swimming pool. As much as you're opposed I think you'd end up LOVING it. Hopefully Steve concocts a Plan B.
That is so funny!! Haha I have always wondered how those would work if there wasn't level ground! I think that means you are supposed to install an inground pool!!
That is so funny about the pool! Your kids are really so cute and getting so big! Brooklyn you are such a fish! Heather you need to tell Melinda to start a blog, I would love to see what she is up to. This is such a fun way to keep up!
Love it. I am laughing so hard looking at this! At least the kids got a little bit of play time in it. Gotta love that Joshy and his little white bod!
Very funny about the pool! Oh well- I can't wait to see what Steve comes up with next!
I can't wait to see your kids! Josh has changes SOOOOO much!! Totally funny about the pool! Sorry bout it!! Maybe Steve could pile some wood planks to even out the back yard so the water won't flow to the down side!! Hee Hee! Love You!
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